Friday, November 28, 2008

Cool City

Cool City, being promoted by the Sustainable Urban Development Consortium for Japan and Gulf States Partnership, will incorporate 'green' technology in transport, urban development and architecture with a low carbon footprint.
Since we start of the industrial revolution we start to face many problems such as earth environmental issues which include raise in population, traffic delays, and increase in use of energy and these can cause to raise the carbon dioxide level on the earth. If we continue living these life style we will need another earth to replace our own, but we know it’s impossible to replace it, so we have to live in one earth and decrease level of carbon dioxide by one half which is know by cool earth 50. During 30 years ago Japan has improved energy efficiency by 37 % and oil consumption has decrease 8%. Over 90% of carbon dioxide emitted into the air comes from buildings and transportation. Then the SDCJ which consist of 11 corporation come together to solve these problem. they have reach to an idea that will use an natural energy, which is known as Cool City, so ill explain about it.Cool city contain a special residential herbs will be connected to cool city by public transportation. The city will have a radius of only 1 KM from the purpose transportation terminal complex which is centrally located and one can comfortably walk anywhere in the area. You can move around by a (LRT) light real transit, hybrid car or solar ships.
The makeup of the cool city is consist of central business and public zone around which residential zone, across the canal lies a green band with a culture, sport zone and the resort zone. Around the city there will be solar powered plant farms surrounded by jatropha trees to prevent sand shifting. Cool city will use the natural energy. In addition cool city will have a bundle of trees and water not only for attractive, but for the decrease the heat. The main transport system used is monorail station, light rail transit station, water transportation system and hybrid car parking. Cool city is a city which can reduce carbon dioxide by 60% as well as we have a wonderful life style.

So, I think this project was a good idea to reduce carbon dixide level, which is better for the earth. we as the humans have to help in reduce the Co2 and work harf to educate properly and know what can cuse damage to our planet.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My opinion about movie Inconvenient Truth

My opinion about movie Inconvenient Truth
What I think that is the movie is scientific more than it political. The movie was very good and covered almost everything what cause about the global warming, and we can understand that global warming is a man-made problem. He talks in the move clearly what cause the global warming? It’s the CO2 from the earth and greenhouse gases. He uses the evidence in movie to show us and to believe that now we see the impact of global warming. In addition he used in movie pictures from the environment and what they like look before and after the global warming, to add more the movie shows how we rise the temperature and how it fit with the CO2 today and what it will be the level of CO2 next 50 years. Some people might political movies because Al Gore wants to be president of US, but I think it’s scientific and it talk about serious and big problem that will be the disaster for the world and especially the US. He was great to give us the massage about global warming and what we have to do about it
So overall, its good and wonderful movie and I suggest every one to watch it and to know that how we did this to our world by our self. So we have to be careful now.

summary about movie An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth

The movie starts with natural scene green trees and river. He was setting and takes long breath and said is the world will be the same for his child.

Al Gore is a politician and he was a president of Vise for 8 year and he win Nobel Prize after this movie. He was the first person who explains about the global warming very clear and how the earth will be in danger. He starts the movie by showing the picture of earth that his friend called Tom takes it during three years period. Then he explains Mark Twain’s quotes that people use to think in one way and they think that content were not move. In addition he talks about why the temperature is kept in rising and that because of greenhouse gases made by humans and the rise in CO2 levels, and now we see the impact of these results. Also it shows that the north Ecuador was the vast majority of the land mass and vegetation. And the glaciers around the world were melting and he shows some pictures that taken before and after melting such as Kilimanjaro, Africa in 1970 it was lot of snow and now after 30 years the ice melts. In Himalaya there is big problem because more than 40% of people use to drink water from the spring and river that melt so what will happen if it melt all the glaciers? They see in ice there is publs and they can measure how much is CO2 in that atmosphere.

He also says that we can see 1000 year if we compare the temperature and CO2 level now we can see that they are close and fit together. 650,000 years the CO2 was never go up to 300 ml, but now it raise a lot and the human are who create this problem. Big storms, sea level up and Ice melting these all are the consequences of the ocean temperature rising. Also the building and roads built on permafrost collapse and fall down. In Antarctica the Ice are melting and shelves separate. Population, Technology and what or the way we think are the three factors contributed to the collision between our civilization and the earth.

What I think that Al Gore explain very clearly about the global warming that no one before explain about it. This movie is the massage to all human to know about the danger of global warming and of course we create these big problem, but we have the time to fix what we did. We have to educate well and learn more about the earth.